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The lepers in the valley of Mak’ob hear the rumors—that a miracle worker is walking the earth. Ten lepers are chosen to leave the valley to search for this healer, knowing that outside the valley lies certain death. Will they find him in time? Could this healer be the Messiah they long for? Readers will be touched by the stories of these ten, broken, weary travelers searching for redemption.

Eleventh Guest - Autographed Hard Cover Book

$25.99 Regular Price
$15.00Sale Price
  • The lepers in the valley of Mak’ob hear the rumors—that a miracle worker is walking the earth. Ten lepers are chosen to leave the valley to search for this healer, knowing that outside the valley lies certain death. Will they find him in time? Could this healer be the Messiah they long for? Readers will be touched by the stories of these ten, broken, weary travelers searching for redemption.


    This book is Brand New AND Autographed, shipping in 2 to 3 weeks.

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