May 9, 1882: Telegraph Hill RR Co (Cable Cars) in San Francisco organized.
May 10, 1869: Golden Spike driven, completing the 1st US Transcontinental Railroad at Promontory Summit, Utah and connecting the Central Pacific Railroad with the Union Pacific.
May 11, 1921: Tel Aviv is 1st all Jewish municipality.
May 12, 1215: English barons serve ultimatum on King John which eventually leads to the creation and signing of the Magna Carta.
May 13, 1940: Winston Churchill says "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" in his first speech as Prime Minister to British House of Commons
May 14, 1787: Delegates gather in Philadelphia to draw up US constitution.
May 15, 1928: Mickey Mouse makes his 1st ever appearance in silent film "Plane Crazy".