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Pray for the Biden Administration

I must share a post I read from a friend. It stuck me as the best idea yet and I hope that you will join me in praying for these lost souls!

"I have been challenged to pray for the Biden administration. After much reflection I have agreed. I will pray, by name, for Biden officials to have horrible, terrifying, nightmarish dreams of being in danger of eternal damnation if they do not repent and promote life and reaffirm the importance of true faith. The image below is a detail from Michelangelo's Last Judgement... the face of a sinner who realizes that for all eternity he is lost... Joe Biden, May your nightmares work to rescue your soul... In Jesus' Name... Amen." -Vince Mathias (Facebook post January 20, 2021)

Please pray with me that their dreams about their future in eternity will terrify them!

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5 commentaires

Vicki Lynn
Vicki Lynn
24 janv. 2021

I have been praying that truth will prevail, that their plans for evil will be thwarted, and that Biden’s party‘s “unity” will begin to fall apart.


24 janv. 2021

This has stuck with me since I read your post on FB a few days ago. (I'm still banned - can't comment on it there!) My daughter and I have both started praying this way for our nations leaders. 20+ years ago I had 2 terrifying dreams that have stuck with me over the years. Both of them were of my watching America be hit with nuclear warfare. The Lord has reminded me of them recently as I pray for our nation. May our leaders also be drawn to their knees through their dreams/nightmares and may God provide them with a Joseph or Daniel to interpret Truth. May our leaders be leaders who humble themselves before the Lord.


24 janv. 2021

We have been praying the same way. Thank you for the reminder.


Karen Wagner
24 janv. 2021

I was pondering how to pray for this administration. Thank you for the answer.


24 janv. 2021

This is a great idea, a true act of charity. As a Catholic I am appalled by Biden's claim to be "devout" when he is so anti-life and pro-socialism. Happy Sunday, Bodie, and thank you!

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