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Writer's pictureSarah Thoene

Guest Blog - Royal DNA

God gifted me with an abundance of empathy, that I must humbly admit I sometimes question (HA). So currently, I am emotional and crying as I write this, but I am also praying that I speak His Truth and that this message will reach someone else going through a similar stage of life. (praying Proverbs 31:26 with great intention)

Proverbs 31-26:

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

We all know that raising kids is hard. Adonai blessed me by choosing me for this role. I am so thankful that He is always by my side; guiding, supporting, encouraging. I pray to be a blessing to all children with whom my path crosses, for they are ALL God's children.

This current world brings such perils and pitfalls for our youth: social media, mainstream media, modern culture, internet, cell phones, group text messaging, conformity... I could go on and on. We as parents are treading in new and dangerous waters. However peer pressure, bullying, and mean girls are, unfortunately, a tale as old as time that we still struggle to grasp.

The Lord is leading and encouraging me to Speak Out and Speak Up. (Hasn't The Lord been hitting us hard with this one, lately?) Acts 118:9 Proverbs 31:8

We need to remind our daughters (sons need reminders too, but I'm currently speaking about and to our daughters) that they are Not of This World! (And, PRAISE GOD FOR THAT!) Romans 12:2 Their Father in Heaven is the King of all Kings! They are princesses, royal by birth, and deserve to be treated with all respect and dignity afforded to that idea.

When God is for YOU, who could ever be against?!? I pray that each of them remember this:

Psalms 139:13-14

13 For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made

I am also praying today for all tween and teenagers to see each other through God's Almighty and Loving eyes!

"Give me Your eyes for just one second

Give me Your eyes so I can see

Everything that I keep missin'

Give Your love for humanity

Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted

The ones that are far beyond my reach

Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten

Give me Your eyes so I can see"

-Lyrics from "Give Me Your Eyes", by Brandon Heath

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