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God's Glorious Kingdom Will Never Fail

I have been thinking and praying deeply about our beloved country, just like you are these days.

American has truly been a spiritual suburb of Israel and Jerusalem.

This is why the forces of darkness have hated our Constitution and our strength.

After 9/11, I could never have imagined that there could ever be a President so anti-American occupying the White House. My heart breaks when I consider how far we have fallen under the administration of this president.

I have asked, on fallen knee, 'has America ever been so broken, Lord?! Is there a way back for us?'

As I prayed, the Lord answered. He brought to my mind the horrors of American Civil War.

The evil within the culture of slavery which existed in the South was truly beyond our imagination, worthy the fight to abolish! (I write this as a woman who has ancestors who fought and died on both sides of North and the South battle lines.)

600,000 American men died fighting one another. (Our grandkids and we recently learned at a battle reenactment that that number represented 1/35 Americans at that time. Can you imagine what that number would be today, at that same percentage?!?)

My great-great grandfather, a medic, perished in serving the Southern army in Georgia.

Another great-great grandfather, from Ohio, might have fired the bullet which killed him!

More young American men died in the war between the states, than in all the other American wars combined.

And after the war ended?

President Lincoln was assassinated.

Retaliation and punishment was inflicted by the North upon the defeated Southern states.


Spiritual revival came and restored our broken families and devastated land.

Through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, borders of hatred and distrust came down.

We became truly, One Nation Under God.

Through World Wars, the Great Depression, and the Cold War; Americans of all races and states pulled together. In the best of times, President Reagan, God's leader, ushered in a season of hope for our nation and the world.

What now?

We are tragically divided again.

Our nation's standing in the world is abysmal, thanks to the anti-American, anti-biblical, anti-Israel, anti-Constitutional policies of Barak Obama (the most divisive President in history).

But we must have hope in God!

As individuals we must turn our hearts fully toward our Lord and Savior and pray for true revival and repentance in our broken land.

I believe very, very hard times are coming.

But do not despair when you see them!

The Lord is YOUR GOD and He is ever-present!

Through the storm which approaches on the horizon, we may yet be saved as a nation if we call upon our God.

And if America falls forever?

We still know the end of the story!

God's glorious Kingdom will never fail!

One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Fear not, for greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world!

I am praying, with you, for our freedom to worship!

I am praying, with you, for the division to end!


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Karen Wagner
Karen Wagner
Jul 12, 2021

I have been travelling from GA to Boston with my daughter and her children. We stopped and visited many historical sights on our trip. Your post today reminded me of my thoughts when visiting all of the national treasures, including Washington DC and the Constitution Museum in Philadelphia, among others. Continuing to keep our country in my prayers. These are indeed times that "try men's souls".

Bodie Thoene
Bodie Thoene
Jul 14, 2021
Replying to

They so are, Karen! We stay praying.

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